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Website with practice 8th Grade exam and old tests

Grading Policy
HW - 10%
Classwork and written assignments - 30%
Projects - 30%
Tests and quizzes - 30%

Saturday, November 21, 2009

8th grade test - Required Study sheet posted below for you

8th grade - We will take our next exam on Tuesday! 11-24-09 Please be prepared by using your study sheet. A completed study sheet will guarantee success on the exam!

ALL STUDENTS are required to turn in their completed study sheets as HW on Tuesday. Those who complete all questions using RAFT will receive up to 5 points of Extra Credit on their exam. If you do not turn in your completed answers you will lose 5 points on your Exam! Again, the study sheet is not voluntary, it is a HW assignment due the day we take the exam. 11-24-09

The test will consist of 30 multiple choice questions taken directly from the study sheet. Students will be responsible for 2 of the 3 extended response topics. Please see video and study sheet below.

8th Grade Exam 2 Fall 09 Review Sheet
If every question is completed using RAFT on a separate sheet of paper it can be turned in for up to 5 points at the time of the exam

1) Why was Uncle Tom’s Cabin, by Harriet Beecher Stowe, such an important book?

2) What were The Compromise of 1850 and The Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854 about?

3) What was the outcome of the Supreme Court Dred Scott decision of 1857?

4) What political party did Abraham Lincoln help start?

5) What was the Fugitive Slave Act?

6) Why do we remember Fort Sumter?

7) What advantages did the North have over the South in the Civil War?

8) What was the main goal of the North at the beginning of the Civil War?

9) What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?

10) What amendments ended slavery, guaranteed the rights of citizenship, and the right to vote?

11) What was sharecropping?

12) What did the Bessemer process do for the production of steel?

13) What is a corporation? A stock? A trust?

14) What does the term Manifest Destiny mean?

15) Why was the battle of Gettysburg important? What was the Gettysburg Address? What American ideals did it celebrate?

16) What was the result of most of the peace treaties between the American Government and Native American Tribes in the 1800’s?

17) What was the result of the Mexican War?

18) What were the dates of the American Civil War and Reconstruction?

19) What were the NY Draft Riots?

20) What were the causes of the American Civil War?

21) How did the Assembly Line transform factories?

22) How did the railroad transform America?

23) What was the Trail of Tears?

24) Why was the Erie Canal so important to NY and the rest of the country?

25) How did the Railroad change America and the relationship between the states?

26) What problems and dangers did children experience in factories?

27) What was the purpose of the black codes? How were they different from the post-war amendments to the Constitution? Who made them?

28) What was the purpose and Freedman’s Bureau? What did it do?

29) Why did Reconstruction come to an end in 1877? Explain

30) How did the Supreme Court decision Plessey v Ferguson (1896) hurt civil rights in America and encourage segregation? What is segregation?

Extended Response - Compare and Contrast

Each must have an intro. sentence with dates, restate question, six clear/explained proofs, conclusion statement that tries to pick a side

1) Reconstruction Success/Failure? - clearly explain three proofs for each (DATES?)

2) Was Manifest Destiny winning/losing the West? - clearly explain three proofs for each (DATES?)

3) The Gilded Age of the Industrial Revolution gold/grit – (growth or suffering) - clearly explain three proofs for each (DATES?)

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