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Saturday, November 21, 2009

7th Grade Study sheet - Test tuesday after Thanksgiving Break

7th Grade - Study Sheet Below
This sheet is required Homework! Please complete all questions using RAFT

Exam 2 Fall 09 Grade 7 If every question is completed using RAFT on a separate sheet of paper it can be turned in for up to 5 points at the time of the exam

1) Why were Europeans so interested in going to the Far East? What were these places called? What were they looking for?

2) How did the First People reach America, according to scientists?

3) What were the astrolabe, caravel, and the magnetic compass? How did they transform navigation?

4) What area of the world was Columbus trying to reach?

5) What area of the world did Columbus actually reach? What did he call the area he reached?

6) What is a primary source? What is a secondary source?

7) Why did colonial farmers settle near oceans and rivers?

8) During what time period, did most explorers explore?

9) When did the English Colonies begin in America?

10) When did the Colonies declare freedom from England?

11) Why were European explorers searching for a Northwest Passage?

12) What was the main reason people came to the Colonies of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island?

13) What was the Virginia House of Burgesses? Why was it created?

14) Why were African slaves brought to America?

15) Before England controlled New York in 1664, who did the colony belong to?

16) How did Native Americans help early colonies?

17) Who wrote the Mayflower Compact? What was its purpose?

18) What does the term “Body Politick” mean?

19) List the New England Colonies.

20) List the Middle Colonies.

21) List the Southern Colonies.

22) Name the five tribes of the Iroquois League?

23) Why did those five tribes work together?

24) What type of government is a Democracy?

25) What civilization did Pizarro conquer with the help of native allies?

26) What group of colonies produced the most lumber, fish and rum?

27) In what group of colonies was tobacco mostly grown?

28) Why were different crops produced in different regions of the country?

29) What areas of North American did the Spanish control?

30) What were the Spanish looking for in Mexico?

31) Who conquered the Aztec?

32) What is a cash crop? Give example from the colonies

33) What is mercantilism?

34) What are the triangles of trade?

35) Why did the Puritans and Pilgrims leave England to come to America?

36) What were the main resources that the French were interested in taking from North America?

37) What areas of North America did the French control?

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