Thursday, December 3, 2009
7th grade map quiz friday 12/4
7th grade Exam 12/10 Be prepared!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
8th grade HW notebooks/folders Due 11/24
Saturday, November 21, 2009
7th Grade Study sheet - Test tuesday after Thanksgiving Break
Exam 2 Fall 09 Grade 7 If every question is completed using RAFT on a separate sheet of paper it can be turned in for up to 5 points at the time of the exam
1) Why were Europeans so interested in going to the Far East? What were these places called? What were they looking for?
2) How did the First People reach America, according to scientists?
3) What were the astrolabe, caravel, and the magnetic compass? How did they transform navigation?
4) What area of the world was Columbus trying to reach?
5) What area of the world did Columbus actually reach? What did he call the area he reached?
6) What is a primary source? What is a secondary source?
7) Why did colonial farmers settle near oceans and rivers?
8) During what time period, did most explorers explore?
9) When did the English Colonies begin in America?
10) When did the Colonies declare freedom from England?
11) Why were European explorers searching for a Northwest Passage?
12) What was the main reason people came to the Colonies of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island?
13) What was the Virginia House of Burgesses? Why was it created?
14) Why were African slaves brought to America?
15) Before England controlled New York in 1664, who did the colony belong to?
16) How did Native Americans help early colonies?
17) Who wrote the Mayflower Compact? What was its purpose?
18) What does the term “Body Politick” mean?
19) List the New England Colonies.
20) List the Middle Colonies.
21) List the Southern Colonies.
22) Name the five tribes of the Iroquois League?
23) Why did those five tribes work together?
24) What type of government is a Democracy?
25) What civilization did Pizarro conquer with the help of native allies?
26) What group of colonies produced the most lumber, fish and rum?
27) In what group of colonies was tobacco mostly grown?
28) Why were different crops produced in different regions of the country?
29) What areas of North American did the Spanish control?
30) What were the Spanish looking for in Mexico?
31) Who conquered the Aztec?
32) What is a cash crop? Give example from the colonies
33) What is mercantilism?
34) What are the triangles of trade?
35) Why did the Puritans and Pilgrims leave England to come to America?
36) What were the main resources that the French were interested in taking from North America?
37) What areas of North America did the French control?
8th grade test - Required Study sheet posted below for you
1) Why was Uncle Tom’s Cabin, by Harriet Beecher Stowe, such an important book?
2) What were The Compromise of 1850 and The Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854 about?
3) What was the outcome of the Supreme Court Dred Scott decision of 1857?
4) What political party did Abraham Lincoln help start?
5) What was the Fugitive Slave Act?
6) Why do we remember Fort Sumter?
7) What advantages did the North have over the South in the Civil War?
8) What was the main goal of the North at the beginning of the Civil War?
9) What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?
10) What amendments ended slavery, guaranteed the rights of citizenship, and the right to vote?
11) What was sharecropping?
12) What did the Bessemer process do for the production of steel?
13) What is a corporation? A stock? A trust?
14) What does the term Manifest Destiny mean?
15) Why was the battle of Gettysburg important? What was the Gettysburg Address? What American ideals did it celebrate?
16) What was the result of most of the peace treaties between the American Government and Native American Tribes in the 1800’s?
17) What was the result of the Mexican War?
18) What were the dates of the American Civil War and Reconstruction?
19) What were the NY Draft Riots?
20) What were the causes of the American Civil War?
21) How did the Assembly Line transform factories?
22) How did the railroad transform America?
23) What was the Trail of Tears?
24) Why was the Erie Canal so important to NY and the rest of the country?
25) How did the Railroad change America and the relationship between the states?
26) What problems and dangers did children experience in factories?
27) What was the purpose of the black codes? How were they different from the post-war amendments to the Constitution? Who made them?
28) What was the purpose and Freedman’s Bureau? What did it do?
29) Why did Reconstruction come to an end in 1877? Explain
30) How did the Supreme Court decision Plessey v Ferguson (1896) hurt civil rights in America and encourage segregation? What is segregation?
Extended Response - Compare and Contrast
Each must have an intro. sentence with dates, restate question, six clear/explained proofs, conclusion statement that tries to pick a side
1) Reconstruction Success/Failure? - clearly explain three proofs for each (DATES?)
2) Was Manifest Destiny winning/losing the West? - clearly explain three proofs for each (DATES?)
Monday, November 9, 2009
Parent teacher Conferences 11/10
HW Due Thursday and Friday 11/12-13
Monday, November 2, 2009
7th grade response to mystery question
Sunday, November 1, 2009
HW for week of 11/2-11/6
p. 5 all key terms section 2-3
and Academic vocabuary
7th grade - read 46-57
p. 51 S3A 1-3 all questions use RAFT
p. 57 S4A 1-4 all questions use RAFT
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Parents and students
Have you turned in
1) Why Study History?Essay
2) 54th Essay
3) Completed Reconstruction Scrapbook
4) How the West was won and lost - foldable
In HW Notebook textbook HW
Check Blog
Have you turned in
1) Why Study History?Essay
2) Legend
3) Maya essay
4) Inca mystery
In HW Notebook all textbook HW
Check Blog
Friday, October 23, 2009
HW Due Tuesday 27th
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Parents and students
Every essay must contain a thesis statement that body paragraphs clearly develop and prove!
(see examples of 4 Square outline and thesis statements in earlier posts)
All assignments need to follow the standard format of 12 font, Times New Roman, Double space, no extra space between paragraphs
1)Why Study History essay (at least 5 paragraphs with 4 Square we developed in class)
2) Student created legend based on Native American examples we charted in class
3) Maya essay based on artifacts we examined and PBS documentary using 4 square we created in class (Students must follow 4 square outline and expand on each bullet with at least 2 sentences)
We are working on presentations in class. Please ask your student to explain their project and proofs! If they cannot explain their point of view please try to help them develop their ideas.
One of the most important skills that class presentations teach is the ability to formulate an argument and deliver it in a convincing form to an audience. This is an invaluable life and work skill.
8 -
1) Essay test on labor DBQ
2) Why Study History essay (at least 5 paragraphs with 4 Square we developed in class)
3) Essay on the Civil War using the 54th as our example (We created the 4 Square outline in class and each student has a question sheet to help with essay info)
4) We are working on our most recent project in class to answer the question "Was Reconstruction a success or failure" Please discuss your child's thesis and the proofs they are using to convince the reader. Please ask to look at your students scrapbook outline. Research can also be done at home.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
7th Grade Legends due
Elements that should be included are things such as light, dark, water, earth/clay/dirt, source or force of creation, animals, story that explains the arrival of people, values and lessons incorporated into the story to be passed on to the next generation.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
All "Why study history" essays were due on Monday the 21st. Several students have not turned them in. Please make sure I have a printed copy. If this is immposible please share your assignment with me ingmail or email me at my Please indicate that you would like me to print your work in the subject line. Please do not ask me to print your work if you have access to a printer!
Meet the teacher is today from 8:30-9:30am at 87. I will discuss our goals, projects, my blog etc.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Second post of 2009-2010 school year
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Sept 9-09
Monday, June 8, 2009
7 & 8 Grade year end work
1)Study using review sheet for Unit 4 Exam
30 Multiple chioce questions
6-8 short answer questions on Bill of Rights and Checks and Balances
2)We are working on final project in class --- Read several pages each night by using index (R120) from slave auctions -to- slaves to supplement information we are using in class
8th Grade - Some Students still missing Exit Projects - Projects are worth 30% of Grade
Please turn in all parts as soon as possible! See packet for instructions and rubric. We have very few full days left till graduation! (aprox. 6)
Friday, May 29, 2009
8th grade State test Tuesday-Wednesday practice
8th Graders Please make sure project is in! Due May 28
4square, timeline, bibliography, four page paper, presentation in class June 8.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Final Research Project Due May 28
8th Graders have also recieved a project subject sheet to help pick a topic. They may work with one partner.
Study Materials for 8th Grade State Test June2-3
The following web site is a place to go to review for the State Test. 8th grade students will be taking their exam on June 2&3.
1)You can do US history quizes for Middle and High School and see how many you get correct.
2) There are old test you can print out as well. To study please go through the multiple choice part of each test(Part 1)Answers are at the site also.
3)You may also want to work on DBQ essays. Part 2 & 3 of the State test. If you would like more study materials please look at NYS Regents exams in US History for High School.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Students missing essays and letters
Please check that your child has turned in their written assignments for this week, see previous post.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Paragraph 1 Explain term Depression, explain causes of Depression and crash
Paragraph 2 Explain how business and the nation were effected
Paragraph 3 Explain how your family was effected
Paragraph 4 Explain what will help end the Depression
7th Grade - please work on you essay (WE WILL WORK ON IT MONDAY) on Shay's Rebellion. It should be 5 paragraphs and at least one page long and complete all parts of the task. Please use your 4 Square, movie notes sheet, textbook, notebook to give full answers.
INTRO. 1)Quote - explain how it connects to Shay's
2)Historical context: Date, people involved, events occuring at time, short explanation of Shays Rebellion,place
3) Thesis
BODY1 Failures of Articles of Confederation- Long term causes
BODY2 Why Shay's rebelled - immediate causes
BODY3Effects on the state and nation
CONCLUSION Opinion - Was Shays a patriot or a terrorist? Why? Did he succeed?
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
HW over the break 7 & 8 - Vocabulary and Terms
7th Grade - please put all vocabulary (key terms and people)in your own words p.158-173
Monday, April 6, 2009
HW for 4/6
8th Grade-
To be completed by end of break
Chapter 24 in textbook all define and identify
Sunday, March 29, 2009
I have not recieved 8th grade MAIN cartoons and worksheets from several students this is the first important grade of the marking period
7th Grade - I have not recieved some "Causes of the Revolution" essays and 4Squares - This is the first test grade of the semester
HW week of 3-30-09
Text p. 698-701 Define and Identify
Text p. 702-705 Define and Identify
Text p. 706-710 Define and Identify
Text p. 711-714 Define and Identify
Text p. p. 715-719 Define and Identify
7th Grade -
Read Text p. 152-155
on p. 152 Copy Key Terms and People - put definitions in your own words
Read Text p. 152-155
p.155 Reviewing Ideas, Terms and People
Read Text p.152-155
p.155 Critical Thinking
Read p. 158-162
p.158 Key Terms and People - Copy in your own words
Read p. 158-162
p. 162 Reviewing Ideas, Terms and People
Monday, March 23, 2009
Homework for week of 3-23-09
- Have you turned all 3 pages of your cartoon? It is your first classwork/homework grade of the new semester?
- re-Read p.666-677
- Read p. 678-681
Explain Completely - Espionage Act of 1917, Sedition Act of 1918,
Selective Service Act, Liberty Bonds, War Industries Board
- Read p. 682-685
Explain Completely - Communists, armistice
- Read p. 686-691
Explain Completely - Wilson's Fourteen Points, self-determination,
League of Nations, reperations, Treaty of Versailles
- Read p.692-chart694
Complete and turn in study sheet for up to 5 extra points on Monday's test
7th Grade-
- Have you completed your womens roles and Thomas Paine assignments and turned them in?
- Have you completed the essay we started last week and 4 Square on causes of American Revolution due on Friday 3-27-09(to be graded as essay test) please type if possible, at least 5 paragraphs with 5 sentences in each (please explain at least 2 causes and how they led to war in the each body paragraph)
Due Thursday 3-26-09
- Complete Chapter 4 Review (p. 141 only) (Please write out questions and answers)
Due Tuesday 3-31-09
- Complete p.143 write out questions
- Complete p.145 Doc 3 and 4 only using RAFT
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Due soon Test 8th and essay 7th
*****up to five points extra credit for completed study sheets*****
7th Grade- Please Turn in completed 4Square and essay on the causes of the American Revolution
Monday, March 2, 2009
Projects - PLEASE READ
All first drafts must be turned in by tuesday 3/2/09
Final Drafts - 7th Grade only due 3/9 with all parts attached (see packet)
8th grade -
Project - All parts due 3/4/09
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Parents and students - Projects due soon
Please be aware that March 2 is the project due date. All parts must be turned in on this date. Please examine and print the packet from the previous post if you have not yet recieved one. Simply click on any image you would like to see. You can easily print the 5 pages by copying the images into Microsoft Word, adjusting them to fit your page and printing as a normal word document. I have not recieved thesis statements/ten questions and tear off letters from several students. These are required please make sure your child has turned them in.
I am also missing 5 paragraph essays arguing for or against Manifest Destiny from some 8th graders. This assignment took place in class and was to be finished at home. See instructions in earlier post.
Progress reports should have been signed and returned to all subject teachers. Many students have room to improve in all their subjects before the end of the marking period. Please encourage your child to take advantage of the time they still have to make up work in their classes, improve test scores and complete research projects in science and history.
Below are current textbook assignments that must be completed in homework notebooks. Please check to see that your child can explain the importance of each term and is answering questions using RAFT. Thank You. Your participation is much needed and deeply appreciated.
7th Grade - Use RAFT to create complete answers!
Read p. 98-103 Complete Section Assesment - due Wednesday 2/25
Read p. 112-116 Complete Section Assesment - due Friday 2/27
8th Grade - Use RAFT to create complete answers!
Students should have already completed the following - they are past due!
p.638-645 Define and Identify & Reading Checks
p.646-651 Define and Identify & Reading Checks
Assignment Below is due 2/25
p. 653-659 Reading Checks & Define and explain importance of the following terms:
dollar diplomacy, Panama Canal, Monroe Doctrine p330-331, Roosevelt Corallary
Project Packet - Parents have you read and signed?
All Students should have handed in their project thesis and ten research questions on Feb 2.
See above for explanation of a thesis statement and directions to create one (see sample)
See cover letter below and print if you have not signed it.
Above is the cover letter that you should have been given to read and sign by your student at the end of January.
Project dates are listed. Please read the letter and pages that follow.
To see complete images click on each of the pages.
To print
----copy individual images and paste into Microsoft Word document
----then print Word Document and use
Thursday, February 5, 2009
- progress reports will be out shortly
- Please take a look at project packet
Has your child turned in their Thesis Statement and 10 Research Questions?
8th -
Manifest Destiny/American Expansion essays with 4 Square are due to me
Please use your 4Square and class notes, text book readings to pick a point of view for/against
Intro - Define Manifest Destiny , "Sea to Shining Sea", Describe rise of American power/Second Industrial Revolution, Thesis statement for or against expansion and Manifest Destiny
Body - 2 paragraphs of proofs 1 paragraph that acknowledges/discusses the point of view opposite from your own and explains why it is wrong
Conclusion - restate thesis, summarise proofs, your opinion, connect to expansion today
Complete your British actions charts so they can be used in class!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
1) Project packets have been handed out and cut-off slips need to be returned.
2) Topic, preliminary thesis statements and ten research questions need to be typed and turned in. Please refer to packet for instructions on creating thesis statements.
3) Timelines and 4Square outlines are due next. See project letter and schedule.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Students have just taken last years final essay exam to gauge their progress and prepare them for their state exam in June. Please discuss tonights HW with your child!