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Website with practice 8th Grade exam and old tests

Grading Policy
HW - 10%
Classwork and written assignments - 30%
Projects - 30%
Tests and quizzes - 30%

Thursday, April 17, 2008

HW over April Break (Parents and Students)

As stated in previous posts, all students should be researching their project topics and developing a thesis. The first part of the project, the timeline, will be due a few days after the break. I am finalizing the dates for the project with the principal. Below is a preliminary task and scoring sheet. Please read it so that you will know all the phases of the project.

Task and Scoring
1) Create a timeline that includes at least 5 important events from the time period you are researching. This should be an actual timeline, not just a list of events. Each event must be labeled and explained along the line. (5 points)
2) Create a 4 Square Outline. This outline must list the ideas, topics and questions that will be explored in your report. This is the pattern your project will follow. It should contain a thesis statement and proof. (5 points)
3) Create a First Draft of your research project. This must be at least 3-4 pages long. It should contain an introduction, body and conclusion. Make sure you prove your research thesis, cover all areas of your outline and that you proofread and develop your ideas completely. Please hand in something that you feel is very close to a completed project, a paper you would be proud to present to the principal. (15 points)
4) Create a bibliography of at least 5 sources. It must include at least 2 non-reference books and 2 websites. Your bibliography must be in the proper format.

(5 points)
5) Complete your Final Paper. It must be at least 4 pages in length. Your introduction should state your research thesis question and include some type of hook to grab the reader's attention (quote, story, etc.). Make sure your thesis is fully explained and developed in your body. Your research thesis should be fully proven by the conclusion of your paper. The reader should also understand your topic and why it is important in shaping American History. (45 points)
6) Create a Windows Movie Maker Presentation. Your presentation must be 2-3 minutes long. Your movie should include relevant pictures, charts, graphs, cartoons, audio clips and basic text explanations. The main ideas of your thesis/topic should be clearly understood by the audience after viewing your presentation. (25 points)

Please make sure you take the time to read through and take notes on all of your sources! The more you read the more you will learn and the easier it will be to develop a great project! Do not copy other peoples work!

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