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Website with practice 8th Grade exam and old tests

Grading Policy
HW - 10%
Classwork and written assignments - 30%
Projects - 30%
Tests and quizzes - 30%

Thursday, April 10, 2008

HW due monday 4/14 (Parents)

Your child should be researching and taking notes for their final project every night.

I have attached topic sheets for 7th and 8th grade reports above as well as the most recent 7th grade assignment.

8th Grade - 1) Please complete the sheet you worked on in class. Fill in the chart completely using the events on the timeline to explain the causes of WWII. Be prepared to discuss your answers.
2)Please work on researching your final project. See sheet for possible topics. (attached above) Remember you need to develop a thesis statement that your research will answer. Your research must demonstrate how the person/event you have chosen changed America.

7th Grade - 1) please work to complete your essay assignment on Shay's Rebellion. Please follow the instructions on the sheet you were given in class. Attached below.
2) Please work on researching your final project. See sheet for possible topics. (attached above) Remember you need to develop a thesis statement that your research will answer. Your research must demonstrate how the person/event you have chosen changed America.

Name: ______________________________ Date: _____________ Class:__________
Shays’ Rebellion 1786

Task: Please use what you have learned in class, the movie and your textbook p.198-199 to complete the following assignment. Answer the questions 1-7 with complete explanations. Write a short 4 paragraph essay on the back that answers all four parts of HW assignment. Use your answers on this sheet and your textbook reading to create a solid essay.
1) What were weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation that led to Shays’ Rebellion? ______________________________________________________________________________________________
2) Who was Daniel Shays’? _______________________________________________________________________
3) Why were Shays’ and his followers angry enough to start a rebellion?
4) Why did Shays and his followers try to close down the court system in Massachusetts? ____________________________________________________________________________________________
5) Why was owning land so important in the new country? What right did it give you? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6) Why did Shays and his followers attempt to seize the federal arsenal? What was their ultimate plan?
7) What did this failed rebellion teach America? How did it change our form of government? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
HW Assignment: What do you think about Shays’ Rebellion? Explain Why did the rebellion happen? Explain
Would you have fought for Shays or Sam Adams? Why? Was the rebellion a good thing for our country? Explain

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