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Website with practice 8th Grade exam and old tests

Grading Policy
HW - 10%
Classwork and written assignments - 30%
Projects - 30%
Tests and quizzes - 30%

Sunday, September 16, 2007

**Change** Homework due Thur. Sept 20th

8th Grade -
Please create one of the following two journal entries in your hw notebook (use classwork info and text pages 303-306) Minimum 1 page in Length
1) Pretend you are a member of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Using what you have learned in class create a journal entry of an imaginary day exploring the west. What do you see, hear and experience? What adventures do you have? Who and what do you meet? What do you learn that is new?
2) Pretend you are an American writing about President Jefferson's decision to purchase the Louisiana Territory. Do you think Jefferson had the right or power to make this decision for you? Was it a good decision? Explain negatives and positives. Should we be exploring all the way to the Pacific?

7th Grade -
In class we looked at four Native American creation legends. Please create a legend of your own in your HW notebook
. It must be at least one page long.
1) Your should be based on the charts we worked with in class on Monday. Please include answers to all the questions we discussed on your chart in you legend.
2) Your legend should be somehow connected to the migration theories we worked with on wednesday.
How did the people first appear in America? You tell us!

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