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Website with practice 8th Grade exam and old tests

Grading Policy
HW - 10%
Classwork and written assignments - 30%
Projects - 30%
Tests and quizzes - 30%

Thursday, September 11, 2008

thursday HW

Brainstorm some ideas for your final coloum
Myth/legend due Monday

Complete Big Idea Question and research 2 topics for first project (Revised Topic list below)

Possible Research Topics 8th Grade
Remember every event or person on this list was very important in shaping or changing American history. Create a Thesis Statement and prove it! Your research must tell us:
·How America was changed by this person or event?
·How is the impact of the person or event still felt today?

Philosophy & Utopian Communities How did American thinkers attempt to create a perfect society on earth? Did their ideas and communities work? (Onieda, Harmony, etc.)Second Great Awakening How did this religious movement effect everyday Americans and change the country? (Finney, Burned over district, Revivals, Temperance)
Slavery Could the United States have developed into a powerful nation without slavery? How did religion, family life, and culture help slaves cope? How did some slaves attempt to defeat slavery? Was slavery the cause of the Civil War?
Civil War The Civil War divided and devastated our country between 1861-1865.
Causes of the Civil War, Fort Sumter, Battle of Antietam, Battle of Gettysburg, effect of war on American people, Emancipation Proclamation)
Native Americans
How did the Native Americans struggle to control their destiny on the American continent come to an end in the late 1800s?
(Cowboys, Little Big Horn, Fort Laramie, Reservations, Crazy Horse, Treaty of Medicine Lodge, Sitting Bull, Ghost Dance, Massacre at Wounded Knee, Geronimo, Dawes General Allotment Act)
Moving West Was the idea of Manifest Destiny positive or negative?
How and why did Americans move West after the Civil War?
(Manifest Destiny, Morrill Acts, Homestead Act, Exodusters, Transcontinental R.R., Donner Party, Mexican War, Gold Rush, Mormon Trail )
Second Industrial Revolution
How did technology, free enterprise and the factory system make America the most powerful nation in the world?
(Entrepreneurs, Corporations, Trusts, Vertical and Horizontal Integration, Andrew Carnegie, John Rockefeller, Social Darwinism, Sherman Antitrust Act, Unions, Anarchists, Homestead Strike, Pullman Strike, Hay Market Riot, Knights of Labor, Technology - Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Eugene Debs)
What struggles and successes did immigrants face in their new country? (Know-Nothing Party, Chinese Exclusion Acts, Immigration Restriction League, Tenement Housing, Benevolent Society, Old Immigrants, New Immigrants, Hull House, Chinese, Italian, Irish, Mexican, Push/Pull factors to immigrate)
Progressive Movements
How did different Americans attempt to improve their society at the turn of the century? Did the reforms work? Prison Reform, Temperance, Education, urban renewal, labor reform(Progressives, 17th Amendment, Muckrakers- Ida Tarbell, Upton Sinclair, John Dewey, Socialism, Initiative Recall, Referendum, Hull House, Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, Child Labor Laws, Temperance Movement, Booker T. Washington, Ida B. Wells, W.E.B. Dubois, NAACP, Teddy Roosevelt- Arbitration, Food and Drug Act, Conservation, Federal Trade Commission)

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