
1) My e-mail address is
2) To post your work to GoogleDocs share with my GMail account and I will be able to see your work and print or modify it
3) For great research sites on the internet see the list at
Website with practice 8th Grade exam and old tests

Grading Policy
HW - 10%
Classwork and written assignments - 30%
Projects - 30%
Tests and quizzes - 30%

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Welcome back!

Students and Parents please read!

Tests and Quizes 30%
Classwork and Participation 30%
Projects 30%
HW 10%

2 Notebooks: (Students must update table of contents with each entry)

supplies for class:
Box of Pens
Box of markers
folders to keep project research
Big Questions:
1)Why is history important to us all?

Think about the many reasons why we study history in school. You should be able to come up with at least 7 reasons. Be prepared to write and discuss your answers. Get your brain back into the thinking, questioning mode! Be ready to explain all your answers completely and connect your opinions to facts and the research of others. Here are some links and ideas that may help you, there is much more out there

below are two picture files you can read or paste into a word document and print
click on to enlarge that I created

2) What are the many areas of life that the study of history includes? How can studying these areas help us understand the past and ourselves?
Take a look at the acronym we will use in class to help us remember the many areas of history

First Research project: 8th graders take a look at the topics below and start to do some intial research on the web using wikipedia, google, etc. 7th grade will be announced shortly.
8th Grade - Start looking through these topic areas
Topic: Native Americans During the 1800’s Native Americans struggled to control their destiny in American.
Project ideas:
Battle of Little Big Horn, Reservations, Crazy Horse, Broken treaties with US government, Sitting Bull, Ghost Dance, Massacre at Wounded Knee, Geronimo, Destruction of Buffalo
Topic: Civil War The Civil War divided and devastated our country between 1861-1865.
Project ideas:
Causes of the Civil War, Fort Sumter, Battle of Bull Run, Battle of Antietam, Battle of Gettysburg, effect of war on American people, Emancipation Proclamation
Topic: Reconstruction Between 1865-1877 Americans worked to put our nation back together with limited results.
Project ideas:
Successes (13-14th Amendments, civil rights laws, African Americans in congress)
Failures (Black Codes, Jim Crow, KKK, Plessy vs. Ferguson)
Topic: Moving West Americans to move West after the Civil War in greater numbers. As Native Americans were losing ground cowboys, adventures and families attempted to shape the American West?
Project ideas:
Manifest Destiny, Transcontinental Railroad, Gold Rush, Homestead Act, Exodusters, Sodbusters, Cowboys, Cattle towns, Open range, Range wars, cattle drive
Topic: Second Industrial Revolution Technology, free enterprise and the factory system made America the most powerful nation in the world.
Project ideas:
Andrew Carnegie, John Rockefeller, Social Darwinism, Sherman Antitrust Act, American Unions, Anarchists, Homestead Strike, Pullman Strike, Hay Market Riot, Knights of Labor, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford

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