
1) My e-mail address is
2) To post your work to GoogleDocs share with my GMail account and I will be able to see your work and print or modify it
3) For great research sites on the internet see the list at
Website with practice 8th Grade exam and old tests

Grading Policy
HW - 10%
Classwork and written assignments - 30%
Projects - 30%
Tests and quizzes - 30%

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Parents - Article on importance of Core Curriculum

From the author of the program our school has begun to implement. Thank you for reading the article and helping your kids expand their interest and knowledge in our history and the democratic principles. With your help they will grow and thrive!

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Monday, January 4, 2010

7th Grade HW 1/4/10

Please complete all questions on British Colonial Policy and be prepared to share!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

All 8th graders must turn in Essay! Due before break

Many have not turned in their essays on the Gilded Age! These were due before the break. Please get them in. They should be at least 7 paragraphs long!

7th Graders must turn in Essay and worksheet!

All 7th graders were asked to complete a 5 paragraph essay on the Mystic Massacre. This essay must be based on the 4 square outline we created in class and the question sheet! If you use these two resources your essay will easily be constructed.
1) Intro- Hook, Historical Context, Thesis statement
2) Trade relationship turned to fear and raids
3) reasons for fear and hatred - T chart from class on differences between Pequot and Puritans
Ideas on land, religion, Roles of men and women, warfare,
4) The experience of the massacre and the Pequot today
5)Conclusion - restate thesis, restate proofs, Your opinion on the question, "Could things have been different, or was war inevitable?", wrap up

All students should be working on Projects!

The first step of the project is due on friday!
This should include (typed)

1) parent sign off sheet from packet

2) Topic

3) Preliminary thesis statement (what the project will prove)

4) 10 questions that will drive your research