
1) My e-mail address is
2) To post your work to GoogleDocs share with my GMail account and I will be able to see your work and print or modify it
3) For great research sites on the internet see the list at
Website with practice 8th Grade exam and old tests

Grading Policy
HW - 10%
Classwork and written assignments - 30%
Projects - 30%
Tests and quizzes - 30%

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Parents and students

Students were handed reminder sheets. These listed the few big assignments of the semester they needed to have handed in by now. Please confirm that this was done. See Below! If a student is not sure reprint assignment, share at google docs, or mail at

Conferences are on Nov. 10
8th Grade
Have you turned in
1) Why Study History?Essay
2) 54th Essay
3) Completed Reconstruction Scrapbook
4) How the West was won and lost - foldable
In HW Notebook textbook HW
Check Blog
7th Grade
Have you turned in
1) Why Study History?Essay
2) Legend
3) Maya essay
4) Inca mystery
In HW Notebook all textbook HW
Check Blog

Friday, October 23, 2009


Please check for missing assignments and HW due tuesday.

8th grade students should hand in their Reconstruction scrap books by Monday! I have only received about half of the scrapbooks. Please look at your students outlines and discuss their projects with them to ensure they have successfully completed their scrapbooks (30% of grade)

7th grade - we have completed in class debate presentations on Columbus. After grading and examining peer grading sheets it is clear that most students in the 7th grade need lots more preparation and effort when presenting their arguments before the class. On Monday students will journal on the ways they can work on improving their arguments and presentation skills. Please ask your student to explain the ways they will attempt to improve their work!

Marking period coming to an end soon please catch up with missing work!

HW Due Tuesday 27th

7th Grade - Please read and complete questions on p. 28-29
Read pages 34-45 Use RAFT to define and give examples of KEY TERMS p. 37

8th Grade - Read pages 2-12 Answer questions completely p.12 #1-4 Use RAFT


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Parents and students

7th & 8th Grade - here is a list of important assignments that should already have been handed in.

Every essay must contain a thesis statement that body paragraphs clearly develop and prove!
(see examples of 4 Square outline and thesis statements in earlier posts)

All assignments need to follow the standard format of 12 font, Times New Roman, Double space, no extra space between paragraphs

1)Why Study History essay (at least 5 paragraphs with 4 Square we developed in class)
2) Student created legend based on Native American examples we charted in class
3) Maya essay based on artifacts we examined and PBS documentary using 4 square we created in class (Students must follow 4 square outline and expand on each bullet with at least 2 sentences)

We are working on presentations in class. Please ask your student to explain their project and proofs! If they cannot explain their point of view please try to help them develop their ideas.
One of the most important skills that class presentations teach is the ability to formulate an argument and deliver it in a convincing form to an audience. This is an invaluable life and work skill.

8 -
1) Essay test on labor DBQ
2) Why Study History essay (at least 5 paragraphs with 4 Square we developed in class)
3) Essay on the Civil War using the 54th as our example (We created the 4 Square outline in class and each student has a question sheet to help with essay info)
4) We are working on our most recent project in class to answer the question "Was Reconstruction a success or failure" Please discuss your child's thesis and the proofs they are using to convince the reader. Please ask to look at your students scrapbook outline. Research can also be done at home.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

7th Grade Legends due

Please turn in the legends you have created using the charts we made in class and the hypothesis scientists have come up with to explain the arrival of the first people in North America.
Elements that should be included are things such as light, dark, water, earth/clay/dirt, source or force of creation, animals, story that explains the arrival of people, values and lessons incorporated into the story to be passed on to the next generation.