
1) My e-mail address is
2) To post your work to GoogleDocs share with my GMail account and I will be able to see your work and print or modify it
3) For great research sites on the internet see the list at
Website with practice 8th Grade exam and old tests

Grading Policy
HW - 10%
Classwork and written assignments - 30%
Projects - 30%
Tests and quizzes - 30%

Friday, May 29, 2009

8th grade State test Tuesday-Wednesday practice

Please refer to this link for practice exams and quizes. Start with the online SS quiz, this will give immediate feedback. Then look at past state exams. Also click on "Test Yourself" on the green bar to the right.

8th Graders Please make sure project is in! Due May 28

8thgrade project was due on the 28th of May. Please refer to project packet and rubric.
4square, timeline, bibliography, four page paper, presentation in class June 8.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Final Research Project Due May 28

8 Graders have a research project due on May 28. Students have recieved a project packet that includes a parent letter and sign-off sheet. I will publish this project packet soon.
8th Graders have also recieved a project subject sheet to help pick a topic. They may work with one partner.

Study Materials for 8th Grade State Test June2-3

Parents and students,
The following web site is a place to go to review for the State Test. 8th grade students will be taking their exam on June 2&3.

1)You can do US history quizes for Middle and High School and see how many you get correct.

2) There are old test you can print out as well. To study please go through the multiple choice part of each test(Part 1)Answers are at the site also.

3)You may also want to work on DBQ essays. Part 2 & 3 of the State test. If you would like more study materials please look at NYS Regents exams in US History for High School.