
1) My e-mail address is
2) To post your work to GoogleDocs share with my GMail account and I will be able to see your work and print or modify it
3) For great research sites on the internet see the list at
Website with practice 8th Grade exam and old tests

Grading Policy
HW - 10%
Classwork and written assignments - 30%
Projects - 30%
Tests and quizzes - 30%

Monday, April 27, 2009

Students missing essays and letters

Dear parents,
Please check that your child has turned in their written assignments for this week, see previous post.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


8th Grade - Complete your imaginary letter written during Great Depression by using the printed outline, your notes and textbook as a guide. Please follow the instructions on the outline and the format carefully to recieve full credit. Please type and carefully proof read your letter! It should be at least one page long! STAPLE OUTLINE TO BACK OF LETTER!
Paragraph 1 Explain term Depression, explain causes of Depression and crash
Paragraph 2 Explain how business and the nation were effected
Paragraph 3 Explain how your family was effected
Paragraph 4 Explain what will help end the Depression

7th Grade - please work on you essay (WE WILL WORK ON IT MONDAY) on Shay's Rebellion. It should be 5 paragraphs and at least one page long and complete all parts of the task. Please use your 4 Square, movie notes sheet, textbook, notebook to give full answers.
INTRO. 1)Quote - explain how it connects to Shay's
2)Historical context: Date, people involved, events occuring at time, short explanation of Shays Rebellion,place
3) Thesis
BODY1 Failures of Articles of Confederation- Long term causes
BODY2 Why Shay's rebelled - immediate causes
BODY3Effects on the state and nation
CONCLUSION Opinion - Was Shays a patriot or a terrorist? Why? Did he succeed?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

HW over the break 7 & 8 - Vocabulary and Terms

8th grade - please complete all define & identify in all sections of chapter 24 p. 730-759
7th Grade - please put all vocabulary (key terms and people)in your own words p.158-173

Monday, April 6, 2009

HW for 4/6

7thGrade - You have created a simple government in class. Please describe what problems your government might encounter. Remember to discuss the following.

8th Grade-
To be completed by end of break
Chapter 24 in textbook all define and identify