
1) My e-mail address is
2) To post your work to GoogleDocs share with my GMail account and I will be able to see your work and print or modify it
3) For great research sites on the internet see the list at
Website with practice 8th Grade exam and old tests

Grading Policy
HW - 10%
Classwork and written assignments - 30%
Projects - 30%
Tests and quizzes - 30%

Saturday, December 20, 2008

missing work

7th - I am still missing several Mystic Massacre essays and work sheets,
turn in your 13 colonies map

8th- Have you completed your robber baron vs entrepenuer assignment for Rockefeller using your notes from class?
Have you completely answered the question "Is America a melting pot or salad bowl?" Use your notes from class as well as your own opinions!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

HW Due

7th - Please complete your essay, 4 square, and worksheet by Friday.

- Please turn in both DVD work sheets for quiz grade "Heaven will protect the working girl" and "Homestead Strike".
- Interview several older family members to figure out the push-pull factors that brought your family to America/Queens.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

HW 12/4

7th grade - complete all vocabulary and start answering questions!

8th grade - Write a short letter to a relative describing the conditions of a garment factory in 1910.

Monday, December 1, 2008

12/2 HW

8th Grade - Please use your understanding of capitalism pro/con, p.582-584, and your class notes, Youtube clips to answer the following question completely. Was John D. Rockefeller a Robber Baron or a Business Pioneer?

Don't forget to use the vocabulary words and understandings you have developed during this unit!