
1) My e-mail address is
2) To post your work to GoogleDocs share with my GMail account and I will be able to see your work and print or modify it
3) For great research sites on the internet see the list at
Website with practice 8th Grade exam and old tests

Grading Policy
HW - 10%
Classwork and written assignments - 30%
Projects - 30%
Tests and quizzes - 30%

Friday, October 31, 2008


7 & 8- Using Your Graphic organizer from Friday class write a 1 scene radio broadcast. You must include an announcer, and 2 characters in your scene. What would scare you? Use your idea.

8- Complete Research project

Thursday, October 30, 2008


7th - We saw some great presentations today 703!

HW- Please write a 2 paragraph journal entry
1) describe the positive ways people presented their projects (what can you imitate)
2) describe what you must improve when you present

8th - be prepared for final 15 minutes of your essay test on Monday

1) have you explained your topic using outside information and included a thesis statement in your introduction?
2) have you used at least 2 documents for each of your body paragraphs?
3) have you used at least 2 types of outside information for each body paragraph? (see you notes!)
4) have you restated your thesis in different words, listed your proofs, given your opinion based on the evidence in your conclusion?

Please make sure you bring your HW notebooks to school (currently 13 assignments should be in your book)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Final Draft date changed to Nov.7

Parents and students final draft date has been changed to 11/7
8th grade - Your Final Paper should include all of your report (Thesis/questions, timeline,bibliography, 4Square, first draft, Final Draft) see your packet and rubric

Saturday, October 25, 2008


8 - Please study your classroom notes and create and rough draft of your essay in class on Monday.

7- Please be ready to present your projects on Tuesday. Complete your 4 square essay by Tuesday and turn it in!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Parents and students (current assessments)

7 - Please discuss the project your child is working on in class. We will begin our presentations thursday. Each group will turn in and be graded for their want ads, maps, bullet list, speech to king and queen. These 4 things will aid in the group presentation to the class. Students should be using all of their resources (atlas, class notes and charts, primary source documents, etc.)
The best presentations from each class will go up against each other. Your child should be able to explain all four parts to you and how these 4 things will be used in their argument.

1) Please discuss youre child's progress on their research project. Refer to project packet for dates and tasks.

2) Please make sure youre child has kept up with their HW assignments. We are currently working on the period called Reconstruction.
Your child will be using the information they have learned in class, and HW as well as seven documents to create a DBQ test essay starting Friday/Monday? review 4square procedures with your student

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


8th - first drafts should have been turned in
Read p. 512-519
Define, Identify, Reading checks

7th - Read p. 51-57
Section assessment p.57

Saturday, October 18, 2008

First Draft of reasearch project Due!

8 - first draft due, see project rubric

7 - have a good weekend

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

tuesday 10/14 HW

7th - bring in your completed "inca rebellion" 4 square

8th - make sure you have turned in the following project items:
- thesis and ten research questions
- parent tear off slip
- timeline
- 4 Square outline

ALL THE ABOVE SHOULD BE TYPED AND SAVED on your own computer so they can be used and edited!

802 - test on 10/15 please be prepared, 80% is passing

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


7th- Complete Aztec 4 Square (Research Paper packet coming soon)

8th - Test Wednesday - retake of last weeks 8th graded final exam (80% passing grade)

Due Friday Timeline & 4 Square Due for project

Parents alert! Please read research packet, take notice of due dates and sign/return parent letter cut-off. Thank You.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Weekend 10/4-10/5

p. 10- 15

8th -
Quiz Monday

Read p. 492-497
define, identify
read to discover

(Quiz will include 478-482, 492-497, classwork/hw on differences between North and South)