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2) To post your work to GoogleDocs share with my GMail account and I will be able to see your work and print or modify it
3) For great research sites on the internet see the list at
Website with practice 8th Grade exam and old tests

Grading Policy
HW - 10%
Classwork and written assignments - 30%
Projects - 30%
Tests and quizzes - 30%

Monday, March 31, 2008

HW due tuesday 4/1

7th Grade -
Create a T-Chart of things a new government should/should not have? What should a government be like? What will it need to work well? What should it not have?

Things you might want to include:
types of Rules, officials/leaders, system to pick leaders, goals, jobs, services the government provides, how does it protect, how involved in your life and business, etc.
Use SCREAMGP to help think of ideas and areas of society government might be part of

8th Grade -
Please create a graphic organizer/web of the 1920's. The goal of this organizer is to create a short summary of the time. use your notes and vocabulary!

Include all the categories we have covered so far
women, African-Americans, fashion, advertising, economy, credit, prohibition, isolationism, etc.
Use SCREAMGP to help think of categories, events, ideas

Thursday, March 27, 2008

HW Due Monday

8th grade - Read 732-736
Reading checks
Section review # 3

7th grade -
Answer the following questions completely (at least 3 paragraphs)
1) Why do we have a government? Give reasons
2) What would America be like without a government? Explain
3) How much control should our government have? How much should it be involved in our lives? explain

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


At the start of the year we introduced an acrostic to help us remember the areas of history. (SCREAMGP) This acrostic should be memorized so that kids have lots of options to think about when they create essays or study history. If you use this acrostic when examining of nations, time periods and events it will help you create a more complete understanding of history.


Every time you consider something in history look at it through all of these lenses/categories. How did each of these areas change/shape, create who we are?

HW Due Thursday 3/27

7th Grade - Study for your essay test
You should be able to completely explain at least 3 causes of the American Revolution.
Don't forget SCREAMGP to review all the different causes.

8th grade - in your HW notebook write a summary of the economic conditions of the U.S. in the 1920-1929. (Before the Crash) Don't forget to include the following areas we have already covered.
African Americans
1920's headlines
Charts and graphs

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

HW Due Wednesday

8th Grade-
Read p.732-736
Define and identify

7th grade-
Study !!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

7th Grade test and Study sheet

The next 7th grade test will take place on Wednesday the 26th (not tuesday). We will have a review on Monday/Tuesday. Please come to the test with your completed review sheet. It will be collected and graded as a homework. The study sheet was handed out several weeks ago and was also posted on this blog. Please look back at previous posts for the sheet Unit 3.
Wednesday - multiple choice
Thursday - Essay Be able to explain at least 3 reasons the Revolution occured. Causes

HW Due 24th

7th grade-
Using the information we worked with in class about Valley Forge creat a one page journal entry in you HW notebook.
Pretend you were a soldier or nurse at Valley Forge
1) describe the conditions (weather, food, health, living quarters, cleanliness, soldiers attitudes and emotions)
2) Describe why you plan to leave or remain with the Continental Army

8th Grade -
Create a list in your HW notebook that predicts the many changes in the lives of women during the 1920's

Friday, March 14, 2008

HW Due 3/17

7th grade-
Complete your summary/persuasive essay answering the question;
"Who should have won the Revolution"
1) Introduction - Explain when the Revolution was fought, for what purpose, and who you believe should have won
2) Body - Prove your point of view
a) List and explain fully the advantages that your side had
b) List and explain the disadvantages of the other side
3) Conclusion -
a) restate your thesis
b) quickly summarize how you proved it
c) any other thoughts, qoutes or opinions

8th grade -
Start working on Unit 9 Study Sheet. If you do not have a paper copy it was posted several weeks ago on this blog.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Due 3/12

7th Grade -
read p.166-168

Reading checks and section review exercise # 3 (chart)

8th grade -
read p. 668-671
Define and identify

Thursday, March 6, 2008

HW Due 3/10

7th Grade-
Read p.166-169
Read to Discover
Define and Identify

8th Grade-

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

HW Due 3/6

8th Grade- Study questions at bottom of review sheet for essay test 3/6. For more information look at the t-charts we created in class for/against Imperialism. Check any other notes or homework about Imperialism.

7thGrade - Re-read the section of the Declareation you read and worked on today in class! Make sure you have a complete summary of your section ready to share with your classmates.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Marking period coming to an end!

Parents and students,
Please turn in all work, including completed projects, if you have not done so already!
Last day for work 2/4. Report cards will be printed this week and distibuted on parent/teacher confrence day next week.