
1) My e-mail address is
2) To post your work to GoogleDocs share with my GMail account and I will be able to see your work and print or modify it
3) For great research sites on the internet see the list at
Website with practice 8th Grade exam and old tests

Grading Policy
HW - 10%
Classwork and written assignments - 30%
Projects - 30%
Tests and quizzes - 30%

Thursday, January 31, 2008

HW 1/31

8th grade- Due Monday
Read p.646-651
Read to Discover
Define and identify

7th grade Due Friday-
Read p.131-134
Read to Discover
Define and Identify

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Parents and students

Final projects are due soon. This includes all parts of the project. Please examine the packet for instructions. Thank you!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Due wednesday 1/29

8th grade - Please use your four square outline to write a short 5 paragraph essay about Imperialism. (Use class t-chart)
Intro - Thesis statement and background information (define Imperialism, explain where and when America was expanding)
Body - reasons/proofs for your thesis based on the information gathered from your t-chart and reading, and respond to what you think the other side will say
Conclusion - Restate your thesis, give your opinion, quote from one author you have read that you feel gives the best statement about imperialism, connect to world events today

7th grade - 126-130
Complete All Reading checks and Finding the Main Idea p.130

HW Due 1/25

7th Grade - Read p. 126-130
Use your main idea charts to complete the define and identify p.126

8th Grade - Read p.640- 645
All Reading Checks and Finding Main Idea p. 645

Monday, January 21, 2008

Parents 8th Grade Study sheets for Units 8-10

Students and parents,

Please use the the above study sheets for the next three unit exams!

Any completed sheet is worth 5 points on the exam.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Dear parents,
Your child recieved a progress report on Friday. 1/18 Please sign it. The report is not a grade but a way to see the progress of your student. Students have until the end of January to make up work. Please make sure students are keeping up with project work.

Due Tuesday 1/22
8th Grade
Read p.640-645
Create a main idea chart and use it to explain the Define and Identify words on p.640

7th grade
Using the notes you have taken on the Mystic Massacre documentary
Create a short 5 paragraph essay that does the following
1) Gives at least 3 reasons why the Massacre occured (completely explain each reason)
2) Explain if the massacre and subsequent destruction of native American tribes could have been avoided. Use the reasons from 1. to explain your opinion.

Intro -
1. background - When did it happen, Who was involved, What happened, where did it happen
2. Thesis - There were many reasons the massacre could/could not have been avoided.
Body - 3 paragraphs that clearly explain reasons for conflict between Native American and English (religion, culture, disease, land)
Conclusion -
1. Restate thesis
2. Your opinion on if the massacre could have been avoided

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Hw due 1/4

7th Grade study sheet above

8th Grade study sheet above


1) please make sure your student is up to date with their project research (see packet)

2) 7th Grade test tuesday 1/8
Please complete study sheet for five bonus points on test (see above)

3) 8th Grade test Thursday 1/10
Plese complete study sheet for five bonus points on test (see above)

8th Grade
Work on project and study for test (thursday)

7th Grade
Study for Triangle trade quiz (friday 1/4)
1) Know four points names and locations on a map (13 colonies, West Indies, England, Africa)
2) Know trade routes for manufatured products and natural resoures (be able to list the products traded) on a map

702 & 703 - 1/4 HW NOTEBOOKS
701 - 1/7 HW NOTEBOOKS
Turn in completed HW notebooks (all HW must be written or stapled in your HW notebook) Check this blog to make sure you have completed all assignments

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Hw Due 1/3

Parents please make sure your student is up to date with their project research (see packet)

1) Test on Tuesday please study!
2) Complete the reading and question sheet titled "British Colonial Policy"

Please use the your class notes and p. 594-595 to describe how the "other half" lived during the early 1900's. What problems did the great disparity in wealth among America's working, middle and upper class bring? How were families effected? What were living conditions like? How was America effected? Poverty, crime, hoplessness, lack of education, child labor, disease, moral decay, threat of anarchy or communist revolution. What should American's and their government done to change the situation?