
1) My e-mail address is
2) To post your work to GoogleDocs share with my GMail account and I will be able to see your work and print or modify it
3) For great research sites on the internet see the list at
Website with practice 8th Grade exam and old tests

Grading Policy
HW - 10%
Classwork and written assignments - 30%
Projects - 30%
Tests and quizzes - 30%

Sunday, December 30, 2007

HW Due 1/2/08

Parents !
Project packets where given out before the break. Please go over the packet with your child and sign the tear-off slip. Thank you!

7th and 8th
Project letter slips should be signed and returned by 1/2/08. Along with a (full) student name and class, each student needs to have a project topic and thesis statement written on the slip.

7th Grade - Homework given week of 12/17 - 12/21
p. 81-87 Complete define and identify using main idea charts
p. 92-97 Complete define and identify using main idea charts

8th Grade - Create a summary (at least one page long) of the story of immigration based on the main idea charts you created in class. You should have at least 9 different sources in your main idea chart to base your summary on. You may also draw on the information in your class notes and textbook p. 590-595
This assignment counts as a HW and classwork !!
Some ideas:
What problems and difficulties did immigrants face? Positive and negative feelings
What did the government do with immigrants?
What positive and negative feelings did Americans have about new immigrants?
What were the many positive benifits of immigration?

Monday, December 17, 2007

Due Monday 12/17

8th Grade - p.590-595
Define and identify

Monday, December 10, 2007

Due 12/12

7th Grade -
Use "main idea charts" to create a short summary of the Pilgrim experience

Please be sure to include the important information you discovered from your reading (above)and placed on your chart

Sunday, December 9, 2007

HW Due 12/14

7th Grade - read p. 75-80
Set up a "main idea in 10 words" chart (See classwork book chart from 12/7 & 12/10)

1) In the Who/What insert the words from the Define and Identify on p.75

2) In the Important things about Who/What list all the important facts about that word you can discover in the reading

3) In the Main Idea in 10 Words take the facts and use them to write the main idea in 10 words

8th grade -
Complete a summary essay about labor during the Second Industrial Revolution 1870-1920
!!!!!!!!!!!This assignment will be graded as a quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For your essay use the information we gathered in class on 12/7, 12/10, 12/11 (Agriculture/Manufacturing Chart, Readings, Movie, Notes from class)
1) set up 4 square with thesis statement and proofs based on what you recieved in class on12/13
2) Use 4 square to create a five paragraph essay about labor

HW Due 12/10

7th Grade - Read 70-74
1) Complete Define & Identify
2) Read to Discover

8th Grade - read 615-618
1) Read to Discover
2) define and identify

Thursday, December 6, 2007

HW Due 12/7

7th Grade
Complete 4Square outline based on the information we have collected in class
1) Your thesis should answer our aim question, "Would you take the advice of the Virginia company and go to America in the early 1600's?"
Your body paragraphs should give the reasons or proofs you have discovered in class in 3 categories (land, trip, freedom, death, opportunities, etc.)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Note to Parents and students

Parents and students 7th and 8th Grade
Students need to decide on topics for their next research project!
8th Grade time period 1890-1947 (please ask to see the list of topics)
7th Grade Time period 1607-1790 (will be recieving topics shortly)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

HW due 12/6

8th Grade - Read p. 585-589
Complete All reading checks

Monday, December 3, 2007

HW due 12/4

7th grade -
Complete foursquare outline and turn in with essay!

HW due 12/3

8th Grade - 585-589
define and identify

7th grade- 64-69
-All reading checks
-p. 69 summarizing