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2) To post your work to GoogleDocs share with my GMail account and I will be able to see your work and print or modify it
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Website with practice 8th Grade exam and old tests

Grading Policy
HW - 10%
Classwork and written assignments - 30%
Projects - 30%
Tests and quizzes - 30%

Sunday, November 25, 2007


In aproximately two weeks students will be taking their next Unit Test. Students have recieved study sheets for their next test. Please go over the study sheet with your child. If students answer all the study questions on a seperate sheet of paper and turn this paper in with their test they can recieve up to 5 points extra on the test. The test will be made up of multiple choice and short answer questions as well as a short document based essay. It is our goal to imitate the state exams so that your child will be comfortable with the format and content required of them.

Please take a look at this weeks HW below 11/26 and 11/28

HW 11/28

7th Grade - This HW is DUE 11/29-Thursday in your HW notebook!
Please Read pages 64-69
Complete Define and Identify - Please read the entire chapter so that you can give complete definitions! Each word and person should be fully explained!

8th Grade- This HW is DUE 11/29-Thursday in your HW notebook!
Please Read pages 578-584
Complete on P. 584 Finding the Main Idea
Read Social Darwinism and Philanthropy on p.583
1) explain what these two ideas mean
2) Which idea do you think America should follow? Explain!
- Please read the entire chapter so that you can give complete answers! These are very important concepts and must be examined carefully.

HW 11/26 7&8 Grade

7th Grade -
This HW is DUE 11/28-Wednesday in your HW notebook!
Please Read pages 42-46
Complete Define and Identify - Please read the entire chapter so that you can give complete definitions! Each word and person should be fully explained!

8th Grade-
This HW is DUE 11/28-Wednesday in your HW notebook!
Please Read pages 578-584
Complete Define and Identify - Please read the entire chapter so that you can give complete definitions! Each word and person should be fully explained!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

7th and 8th Grade HW - Due Monday 11/19

Please complete on looseleaf
1) 4 Square outline we created in class
2) Use 4 Square to complete a 5 paragraph essay that proves your thesis

Paragraph #1 - Intro (historical background and thesis statement)
Paragraph #2 - Proof (Area you can improve and several ways ways you will improve)
Paragraph #3 - Proof (Area you can improve and several ways you will improve)
Paragraph #4 - Proof (Area you can improve and several ways you will improve)
Paragraph #5 - Conclusion (restate thesis, list areas you will work on improving, opinion on your past and future report efforts)

Essay above should explain the ways your next project will change and improve! Based on your observations of other peoples work and reflection on your own work how will your next attempt be different?